Sure, we’re into beer...
...skulls, comic books and loud music, but probably even more so (at least in the case of skulls and comics) we’re into the community where we work and live.
We realize, of course, how fortunate we are to live in Durango, Colorado and brew beer for a living.
And we know that our sweet, sweet existence would not be possible without the support of the good folks around us. A healthy and vibrant community enables its people to maintain a high quality of life and productivity and in Durango we’re lucky to have so many organizations and individuals who contribute in any way they can. Whether it is through volunteering or donating space, time, or product we have always felt that it is our responsibility to help out as well. Over the course of our 25 year existence Ska brews have helped out hundreds of charitable causes and helped to raise thousands of dollars.
If you are one of these community-minded folk in Southwestern Colorado and need a beer donation we’re happy to help! Just follow these steps:
1) Make sure you meet the criteria
2) On company letterhead, list the following:
• Name of your organization and/or beneficiary
• Employer ID /Tax Exempt #
• Date of the event Number of attendees
• Beer preference (Subject to availability)
• If you are looking for a silent auction item, please indicate
• Type of recognition Ska might receive for donation
• Any general information you feel we should know
3) Send us the information
Email: [email protected]
Or mail to:
Ska Brewing, Good Will
Attn: Kristen Muraro
225 Girard Street, Durango, CO 81303

Must have current 501(c)(3) tax exempt status and be located in Southwest Colorado.
We reach our allotment most months and are therefore unable to support the following: Third party fundraisers, corporate events, fraternal organizations, labor organizations.
If your organization or event involves kids, we will consider it very carefully, but generally we feel it is irresponsible for us to be involved – we make alcohol, for crying out loud! Same deal goes for motor sports!
All donations must be picked up at Ska Brewing World Headquarters, 225 Girard St., Durango, CO during regular business hours.
Each organization can receive a donation of up to 5 cases or ½ barrel keg once each calendar year.* We must receive your request at least 30 days prior to the event, and please allow us 2 weeks for processing. We cannot legally donate beer that is later to be re-sold. If you are looking for sponsorship on a different level, such as cash or team sponsorship, please submit your request by October of the year preceding the desired sponsorship so that it can be considered when finalizing our budget.
*Although it seems like we make a fair amount of beer, in the interest of staying in business, we have a certain allotment that we can donate each month. If we receive your request but have already reached Peak Beer Allotment for the month of your event, we sincerely apologize. Should this be the case, or if you need more than the maximum, we will be happy to part with more at the unbelievably discounted price that employees receive.